
A Social Plattform without Ads and Tracking

Specialized to help Alternative and Eco Friendly Projects

In a world filled with endless possibilities, there exists something deeper and more profound that extends beyond individuality – the soul. The soul is the energy that connects us to the infinite ocean of collective consciousness. The collective consciousness is the force that unites us within the grand web of awareness. In it, we find unity and harmony with other beings and the world as a whole. This is the place where we feel that we are all parts of a larger picture, each soul a thread woven into the beautiful symphony of life.

Fully aware of our responsibility to past and future generations, our People, and the future of our Planet,

Understanding the necessity of ensuring safety, stable well-being, sustainable development, and the preservation of Clans and People and the revival of Culture.

We offer you the opportunity to unite with like-minded individuals to achieve new heights together. In our cooperative, you will find support, collaboration, and joint problem-solving.

Our Plattform  will help you grow your Dreams by providing access to resources, knowledge, and experience. We are creating a strong community where every member has a voice and the opportunity to contribute to collective success.

Leading Pioneers of Alternative Projects

What is an community-Supported Farm?

Community-supported agriculture is based on shared responsibility, with members and farmers jointly responsible for production and marketing. The members pay a fixed contribution that enables the farmers to earn a fair income and cover their costs. Food is distributed directly and regularly to members, usually in the form of seasonal harvest shares. Fixed contributions offer farmers planning security and allow them to farm more sustainably and ecologically. 

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Who is the Global Ecovillage Network?

The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) catalyzes communities for a regenerative world. GEN is a growing network of regenerative communities and initiatives that bridge cultures, countries, and continents.

GEN builds bridges between policy-makers, governments, NGOs, academics, entrepreneurs, activists, community networks and ecologically-minded individuals across the globe in order to develop strategies for a global transition to resilient communities and cultures.

What is an Ecovillage?

An ecovillage is an intentional, traditional or urban community that is consciously designing its pathway through locally owned, participatory processes, and aims to address the Ecovillage Principles in the 4 Areas of Regeneration (social, culture, ecology, economy into a whole systems design).

Ecovillages are living laboratories pioneering beautiful alternatives and innovative solutions. They are rural or urban settlements with vibrant social structures, vastly diverse, yet united in their actions towards low-impact, high-quality lifestyles. Read more about ecovillage definitions in our Glossary.

A Swiss association, a worldwide movement

ECOnGOOD is a global movement based on the “Economy for the Common Good” economic model. This focuses on the idea of value-oriented economic activity.

All over the world, we are committed to making the well-being of people and the environment the primary goal of economic activity. For a good life for all.

We offer professional formats, models and tools for this transformation. These are used by companies, NGOs, municipalities, educational institutions and private individuals. Our active members provide information, raise awareness or provide support in this transformation process, for example as ECOnGOOD consultants or educational speakers.

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Save food – eat leftovers

Save food – eat leftovers!
In Switzerland, 2.8 million tons of food are wasted every year. Two thirds of this is avoidable waste that would still be edible at the time of disposal and if used in good time. The RestEssBar project has set itself the goal of counteracting food waste with concrete measures. To achieve this goal, committed people join forces and run a local and independent RestEssBar in their town. Some call their project something different, but they all pursue the same goal.

Grundsätze und klare Handlungsmaximen leiten unsere Tätigkeit. Gemeinwohl, eine positive Wirkung auf Gesellschaft und Umwelt, statt Gewinnmaximierung ist unser Ziel. Trotzdem kommt die ABS nicht ohne Gewinn aus. Wir wollen aber nur so viel Ertrag erwirtschaften, wie nötig ist, um die Bank im Sinn der eigenen Ziele weiterzuentwickeln und um die langfristige Tragfähigkeit des alternativen Geschäftsmodells der ABS zu sichern. Das nennen wir Gewinnsuffizienz.

Spekulation mit dem Ziel, in kurzer Zeit einen möglichst hohen Gewinn zu erzielen, hat in der Anlagepolitik der ABS keinen Platz. Die Frage «Ist Handeln an der Börse ethisch vertretbar?» hat der Verein zur Förderung von Ethik und Nachhaltigkeit in der Geldanlage (CRIC), im Auftrag der ABS in einer Studie untersucht.

Die ABS verzichtet auch auf Eigenhandel und Investmentbanking und damit verbundenen Risiken wie auch Erträge. Unser Fokus liegt auf der Realwirtschaft und nicht auf der Finanzwirtschaft. Mit den Mitteln einer Bank wollen wir sozial-ökologische Produkte und Dienstleistungen ermöglichen.

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Nature & Agriculture

Focus on Nature

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Our Groups
  • Permaculture
  • Herbs
  • Food Saving
  • EcoTechnology
  • Solidarische Landwirtschaft
Mind & Body

We have brought together masters and professionals in the field of wellness based on traditional and modern techniques. Experience magical massages, wellness practices, lectures, and discussions on topics related to folk cultures and methods of enhancing life. Our team includes massage therapists, cosmetologists, dieticians, psychologists, healers, and a large number of consultant friends whom you can also reach out to online or schedule appointments with.

Our Groups

Focus on Co-Living

We have brought together masters and professionals in the field of wellness based on traditional and modern techniques. Experience magical massages, wellness practices, lectures, and discussions on topics related to folk cultures and methods of enhancing life. Our team includes massage therapists, cosmetologists, dieticians, psychologists, healers, and a large number of consultant friends whom you can also reach out to online or schedule appointments with.

Our Groups
  • Finacal Help for Communitys
  • Blueprints and Ideas
  • TeraNova a Group for Starting
Mind & Body

Focus on Nature

  • It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content
  • It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content
Our Groups
  • Permaculture
  • Herbs
  • Food Saving
  • EcoTechnology
  • Solidarische Landwirtschaft

Focus on Spiritutality

We have brought together masters and professionals in the field of wellness based on traditional and modern techniques. Experience magical massages, wellness practices, lectures, and discussions on topics related to folk cultures and methods of enhancing life. Our team includes massage therapists, cosmetologists, dieticians, psychologists, healers, and a large number of consultant friends whom you can also reach out to online or schedule appointments with.

Our Groups
Nature & Agriculture

Focus on Co-Living

living and Work
  • It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content
Our Groups
  • Finacal Help for Communitys
  • Blueprints and Ideas
  • TeraNova a Group for Starting
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Features : comming soon

Free Technology
for Alternative Projects

We at Drevo want dont want to show information like Event, Festival and Shops on a list. Instead we use a Map where the user can see them all !! All Systems gonna be completly for Freefrom, so you can Open Up your own Shop, Sell Tickets or take oppurnity to use our Booking System.

We count on crowdfundings and Charity

If you also belive that this kind of Network should exist, where we are free from Ads and be srounded by good and
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